HTTP Code | Response Code | Response Message |
400 | 513 | Internal database error occurred. Could not fetch results from database |
400 | 1101 | ${field} Transaction id is required |
400 | 1102 | Program ID is required |
400 | 1103 | Ad name is required |
400 | 1104 | Image url is required |
400 | 1105 | Product url is required |
400 | 1106 | Size is required |
400 | 1107 | Html code is required |
400 | 1108 | Text message is required |
400 | 1109 | ${field} Source ID is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: name is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: currencyCode is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: programType is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: adminPersonId is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: techPersonId is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: genericPersonId is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: invoiceTdOrgId is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: active is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: closedProgram is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: homePageUrl is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: logoUrl is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: uniqueClickTime is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: cookieWindow is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: impressionTracking is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: voucherTracking is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: mobileTracking is required |
400 | 1110 | Field: startDate is required |
400 | 1128 | Field: tdOrganizationId is required |
400 | 1129 | Field: segmentName is required |
400 | 2101 | Program not found |
400 | 2102 | User object couldn't be found, please check if you are logged in |
400 | 2103 | Unable to parse user object |
400 | 2104 | Ad does not belong to organization |
400 | 2105 | Ad type can not be changed |
400 | 3101 | The to date is before the from date |
400 | 3102 | Invalid date format, should be YYYYMMDD |
400 | 3103 | Invalid country code |
400 | 3104 | Invalid Program Name(Max 240 characters allowed) |
400 | 3105 | Program category id values can only be between 1 to 19 |
400 | 3106 | Invalid event type ID |
400 | 3107 | Invalid rule ID |
400 | 3108 | program ids should be numbers and separate with comma |
400 | 3109 | Status id values can only be between 0 to 8 |
400 | 3110 | Offset must be integer start from 0 |
400 | 3111 | Sort order values can only be ASC or DESC |
400 | 3112 | Sort by values is not correct |
400 | 3113 | Limit should be between 1 to 100 |
400 | 3114 | Invalid Field Provided |
400 | 3115 | Sort by values ${rejectedValue} is not correct |
400 | 3116 | Invalid ad type |
400 | 3117 | Field: statusId values can only be between 1 to 8 |
400 | 3118 | Invalid adId |
400 | 3119 | Html code too large |
400 | 3120 | Html code includes cookie |
400 | 3121 | Html code is not valid html format |
400 | 3122 | Invalid ad size |
400 | 3123 | Invalid url format |
400 | 3124 | Invalid token system |
400 | 3125 | Invalid token id |
400 | 3126 | Failed to create token |
400 | 3120 | Failed to create token, organization not UTS enabled |
400 | 3128 | Invalid status type |
400 | 3129 | End date is before start date |
400 | 3130 | The to date cannot be in past |
400 | 3131 | Invalid event name, cannot be null and must be less than 239 chars |
400 | 3131 | Field: name - Must be less than 239 chars |
400 | 3132 | Field: pendingPeriod - Min value 0, max value 90 |
400 | 3133 | Field: pendingPeriod - Must be set if pending is true |
400 | 3134 | Field: eventId - Invalid event id |
400 | 3135 | Impression events cannot be modified |
400 | 3136 | Field: eventId - Field required |
400 | 3137 | Field: name - Field required |
400 | 3138 | Field: ruleId - Field required |
400 | 3139 | Field: pending - Field required |
400 | 3140 | Field: pendingPeriod - Field required |
400 | 3141 | Field: eventType - Field required |
400 | 3144 | Field: invoiceStatus - Invalid invoice status id |
400 | 3145 | Field: invoiceNumber - Invalid invoice number, must be less 30 chars or less |
400 | 3146 | ${field} can only be between 0 to 9 |
400 | 3147 | ${field} categoryId is invalid |
400 | 3148 | Invalid plt value. Three options available(1 = NO ; 2 = HYBRID; 3 = YES) |
400 | 3149 | Timezone is required! |
400 | 3150 | Timezone is invalid! |
400 | 3151 | Invalid Field Provided |
400 | 3152 | Field: categoryName is required |
400 | 3153 | Field: categoryName must be 255 chars or less |
400 | 3154 | Field: programId - Invalid program id |
400 | 3155 | ${field} must be 240 chars or less |
400 | 3156 | Product feed not found |
400 | 3157 | ${field} must be 500 chars or less |
400 | 3158 | ${field} must be 4000 chars or lessd |
400 | 3159 | ${field} must be greater than 0 and minor than or equal to 99999999 |
400 | 3160 | ${field} must be greater than 0 and minor than or equal to 9999999 |
400 | 4101 | Field: sourceId is invalid |
400 | 4102 | Field: segmentId is invalid |
400 | 4103 | Field: programTypeId is invalid, can either be 1(Public Network) or 4(Private Network) |
400 | 4104 | Field: currencyCode is invalid |
400 | 4105 | Field: adminPersonId is invalid |
400 | 4106 | Field: techPersonId is invalid |
400 | 4107 | Field: genericPersonId is invalid |
400 | 4108 | Field: invoiceTdOrgId is invalid |
400 | 4112 | Field: startDate is required |
400 | 4113 | Field: segmentId is required |
400 | 4114 | Only one of [publisherCommission, publisherCommissionPercent] fields can be set |
400 | 4115 | Only one of [tdCommission, tdCommissionPercent] fields can be set |
400 | 4116 | Publisher and TD commissions cannot be negative |
400 | 4117 | endDate cannot be before startDate |
400 | 5001 | Field: sourceTypeId is invalid |
400 | 5002 | Field: promotionTypeId is invalid |
400 | 5003 | Field: categoryIds is invalid |
400 | 5004 | Field: sourceName is invalid |
400 | 6001 | Field: name is invalid. Must not by null, and have max 100 chars |
400 | 6002 | Field: description must not be greater than 3000 chars |
400 | 6003 | Field: currency is invalid or null |
400 | 6004 | Field: languageCode is invalid or null |
400 | 6005 | Field: protocol is invalid, it can only be set to HTTP or FTP |
400 | 6006 | Field: format is invalid, it can only be set to CSV or XML |
400 | 6007 | Product Feed ID not found |
400 | 6008 | Transform flag is required if you wish to switch schedule |
400 | 6009 | Field: username is invalid, cannont |
400 | 6010 | Field httpDownloadUrl is invalid |
400 | 6011 | Field password is invalid |
400 | 6012 | Field csvConfig is invalid |
400 | 6013 | Field fieldSeparator is invalid |
400 | 6014 | Field fieldsPerLine is invalid |
400 | 6015 | Field csvColumns is invalid |
400 | 6016 | All required csv columns must be set, category, description, imageurl, price, productid, productname, producturl |
400 | 6017 | Field feedId is required |
400 | 6018 | Field xslFileContent is required |
400 | 6019 | Field xslFileName is required |
400 | 6020 | Product feed exception |
400 | 6021 | Incorrect scheduler. Protocol and/or format does not match the product feed configuration |
400 | 7001 | Field productGroupName is invalid or not provided |
400 | 7002 | Field productGroupDescription is invalid or not provided |
400 | 7003 | Product group not found |
400 | 9999 | Bad Request |
400 | 9101 | ${field} When reject a transaction, reason is required! |
400 | 9102 | Transaction not found |
400 | 9103 | Transaction is not pending |
400 | 9104 | Transaction is already queued for processing |
400 | 9105 | ${field} The reason id ${rejectedValue} is invalid |
400 | 9106 | ${field} The amount ${rejectedValue} is invalid |
400 | 9107 | ${field} The action ${rejectedValue} is invalid |
400 | 9108 | ${field} The currency ${rejectedValue} is invalid |
500 | 5000 | Internal server error, please reach support team with request id {requestId} |